Ashton April 19, 2023
Estimated Reading Time 12 Minutes & 51 seconds

What Are The Possible Reasons For Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

Are you someone suffering from a cracked tooth disorder? We know how difficult it is to face gatherings and events hiding your cracked or crooked teeth. If you have broken or crooked teeth and are shy to smile in public, this article might help you know why you have cracked or crooked teeth.

As we know, technology has grown so much and provides multiple facilities to treat every disorder cost-effectively.

What is a cracked tooth?

A crack in your tooth is called a fractured tooth or cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). Your tooth may break or split due to the crack, which can occasionally be tiny and unimportant.

Although anyone can crack a tooth, children and older people are more prone to tooth fractures.

Visit a same day appointment dentist in Houston, TX, right away if you think you have a broken tooth. Tooth fractures may impact some or all of these layers. The location and degree of the fracture determine the course of treatment for a broken tooth.

Even though some fractures go unnoticed, a broken tooth may cause pain or feel sensitive. Visit a dentist immediately. The likelihood that a cracked tooth can be repaired rises with earlier treatment.

The possible reasons for the cracked tooth are :

  • Age, with many tooth breaks occurring in people over 50.
  • Eating challenging items like sweets, ice, or popcorn kernels with your teeth.
  • Habitual behaviours like chewing ice or gum.
  • A root canal or a large dental filling weakens the tooth.
  • Grinding one’s teeth which are also known as Bruxism
  • Trauma, such as injuries sustained through falls, sports, bike accidents, auto accidents, or physical violence

What are the symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome?

Although a broken tooth rarely exhibits severe symptoms, the damage is likely severe if it does. The followings are some signs or cracked tooth symptoms of severely fractured tooth syndrome:

  • Difficulty chewing
  • Eating hot and cold meals or being sensitive to temperature variations
  • Angioedema close to the tooth
  • Having trouble expanding my mouth.

Now you might be wondering, is any treatment available for cracked or fractured teeth?

Well, the answer is yes; treatment is available for treating fractured teeth, and it is essential to treat as this may cause other problems and challenges in maintaining the oral hygine.

The treatment available for treating this is:

  • Cosmetic Bonding
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Implantation
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Dental Crown
  • Cosmetic Contouring

What are the steps involved in treating the Tooth Fracture?

Here are the few steps that the dentist follows to treat the tooth fracture:

  • Verify your tooth to see if it has been knocked out or shattered (avulsed tooth).
  • You may be asked to bite down on a stick to feel any discomfort.
  • Check your teeth for signs of cracking.
  • Since vertical fractures may irritate your gums, check them for swelling.
  • Transillumination is shining a light through your tooth to reveal the fracture.
  • To better see the tooth crack, apply a colouring dye to the tooth.
  • Get an X-ray of your teeth to check for fractures and associated problems, like bone loss.
  • Cone beam CT scans, a type of 3D imaging, can detect bone.

These are the steps that the dentist for treating a tooth fracture.

Conclusion :

We hope you liked this article and now you have good knowledge about cracked tooth treatment and its symptoms. If you are someone suffering from fractured teeth, you must visit a dental office near me in Houston, TX, by visiting our website and getting your cracked tooth repaired. You can also schedule dentist appointment online and then fix your conselling session with them for a better understanding of the cracked tooth.